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Giant Watermelon Fruit Seeds

Giant Watermelon Fruit Seeds

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These seeds are commonly used for planting to grow new watermelon plants, but they can also be roasted and eaten as a snack or used in recipes. Giant Watermelon Fruit Seeds are large, oblong-shaped seeds that have a hard, black outer shell.

  • Product Type: Bonsai
  • Full-bloom Period: Summer
  • Quantity: 30 pieces
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  • Soil requirements: Giant watermelon seeds thrive in well-drained, sandy loam soil with a pH level between 6.0 and 7.5. The soil should be rich in organic matter to support healthy growth.
  • Sunlight needs: These seeds require full sun exposure, which means they need at least 6-8 hours of direct sunlight daily.
  • Watering requirements: Watermelon plants need consistent watering, especially during the growing season. Water deeply once a week, ensuring the soil remains moist but not waterlogged. Reduce watering as the fruit matures to prevent splitting.
  • Planting season: The best time to plant giant watermelon seeds is in the late spring to early summer, after the last frost has passed and the soil temperature is consistently above 70°F (21°C).
  • Depth and spacing: Plant the seeds about 1 inch deep and space them 3-4 feet apart in rows that are 6-8 feet apart to allow ample room for the vines to spread.
  • Germination time: Giant watermelon seeds typically germinate within 7-10 days under optimal conditions.
  • Maturity time: Giant watermelons usually take about 80-90 days to reach maturity after planting.
  • Harvesting time: The best time to harvest watermelons is in the early morning when the temperatures are cooler, which helps preserve the fruit's freshness.
  • Harvesting tips: To determine if a watermelon is ready for harvest, check for a dull skin appearance, a yellowish ground spot where the melon rested, and a hollow sound when tapped. Use a sharp knife or pruning shears to cut the fruit from the vine, leaving a few inches of stem attached. Store harvested watermelons in a cool, dry place.