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Giant Red Onion Seeds

Giant Red Onion Seeds

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Giant Red Onion Seeds produce plants that bear large, flavorful onions with a distinctive red color. The seeds themselves are small and typically sold in packets. You can grow giant red onions from seeds by planting them in well-draining soil in the spring, after the last frost.


  • Full-bloom Period: Winter
  • Product Type: Bonsai
  • Quantity: 100 pieces
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  • Soil requirements: Giant red onions prefer well-drained, fertile soil with a pH level between 6.0 and 7.0. The soil should be rich in organic matter and have good moisture retention capabilities.
  • Sunlight needs: These onions require full sun, which means they need at least 6-8 hours of direct sunlight per day.
  • Watering requirements: Giant red onions need consistent moisture, especially during the bulb formation stage. Water them regularly, ensuring the soil remains moist but not waterlogged. A deep watering schedule of once a week is generally sufficient, but this can vary depending on weather conditions.
  • Planting season: The best time to plant giant red onion seeds is in early spring, as soon as the soil can be worked. In warmer climates, they can also be planted in the fall for a spring harvest.
  • Depth and spacing: Plant the seeds about 1/4 inch deep and space them 4-6 inches apart in rows that are 12-18 inches apart. This spacing allows for adequate air circulation and room for the bulbs to grow.
  • Germination time: Giant red onion seeds typically germinate within 7-14 days under optimal conditions.
  • Maturity time: Giant red onions usually take about 100-120 days to reach maturity from the time of planting.
  • Harvesting time: The best time to harvest giant red onions is when the tops begin to yellow and fall over, usually in late summer. Harvest in the early morning or late afternoon to avoid the heat of the day.
  • Harvesting tips: Gently lift the onions from the soil using a garden fork or spade. Allow them to cure in a warm, dry, and well-ventilated area for 2-3 weeks before storing. Store the cured onions in a cool, dry place with good air circulation to prevent rot.