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100 Pieces Black Chili Hot Pepper Seeds

100 Pieces Black Chili Hot Pepper Seeds

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100 Pieces Black Chili Hot Pepper Seeds are well-suited for growing in a variety of environments, including indoor and outdoor gardens. These seeds come in a convenient and resealable package, making it easy to store them until planting season.


  • Product Type: Bonsai
  • Size: Small
  • Full-bloom Period: Spring
  • Type: Blooming Plants
  • Variety: Albizia Flower
  • Quantity: 100 Pieces/ Pack
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  • Soil requirements: Black chili hot pepper seeds prefer well-drained, fertile soil with a pH level between 6.0 and 6.8. The soil should be rich in organic matter to support healthy growth.
  • Sunlight needs: These seeds require full sun exposure, which means they need at least 6-8 hours of direct sunlight per day.
  • Watering requirements: Water the seeds regularly to keep the soil consistently moist but not waterlogged. It's important to maintain a regular watering schedule, especially during dry periods.
  • Planting season: The best season for planting black chili hot pepper seeds is in the spring, after the last frost has passed.
  • Depth and spacing: Plant the seeds at a depth of 1/4 inch (0.6 cm) and space them about 18-24 inches (45-60 cm) apart to allow for proper growth and air circulation.
  • Germination time: The seeds typically germinate within 7-14 days under optimal conditions.
  • Maturity time: Black chili hot peppers usually reach maturity in about 70-90 days after planting.
  • Harvesting time: The best time to harvest the peppers is in the early morning when the temperatures are cooler.
  • Harvesting tips: Use a sharp knife or scissors to cut the peppers from the plant, leaving a small portion of the stem attached. Store the harvested peppers in a cool, dry place or refrigerate them to extend their shelf life.